FNJ urged the Government to take legal action against those involved in incidents of press freedom violations

FNJ urged the Government to take legal action against those involved in incidents of press freedom violations

Jan 27, 2025


January 27, Kathmandu.The Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) has urged the Government of Nepal to take legal action against those involved in incidents of press freedom violations. A delegation led by FNJ President Nirmata Sharma met with Home Minister Ramesh Lekhak at the ministry on Monday to make this demand.

In the memorandum, the FNJ stated that the state’s inaction in response to threats and harassment faced by Gopal Dahal, a journalist from Dharan, Sunsari, for his reporting has raised questions about the government's commitment to press freedom. Dahal was reportedly threatened with verbal abuse and warned against publishing further news, the FNJ noted.

“The FNJ urges the honorable Home Minister to take necessary steps to demonstrate the government’s commitment to press freedom by bringing the perpetrators, identified in the report prepared by a fact-finding mission formed by the FNJ to investigate Dahal’s case, to legal accountability without delay,” reads the letter signed by FNJ General Secretary Ram Prasad Dahal.

The FNJ report highlights that Dharan Mayor Harka Sampang and his supporters allegedly issued death threats to journalist Dahal for reportingthe news. While acknowledging the positive aspects of Mayor Sampang’s voluntary labor campaign launched shortly after assuming office, the report raised concerns about the lack of transparency in financial transactions. It revealed that funds collected through the voluntary labor initiative were deposited into private accounts rather than the municipal account, raising serious questions about the local government’s financial transparency.

The FNJ’s memorandum further urged the government to take legal action against all those involved in incidents of press freedom violations.

After receiving the memorandum, Home Minister Lekhak expressed his attention to the FNJ's concerns and assured the delegation that the state would take legal action against those responsible for undermining press freedom.